Rüniverse is a two-payer, competitive card-battling trading card game that features eight colored factions, three lanes of battle, strategic guarding options, and a powerful Dream mechanism that keeps card flow interesting from game to game.
2-Player Starter Sets are $29.99, and Booster Deck packs are $5.99 on The Game Crafter.
Wild Power
In Wild Power, you and your opponent draft Units while building up your hand with their signature Powers. Make the best use of your Action Dice each turn in order to fire off useful Powers and recruit synergistic Units.
Wild Power is available for $29.99 on The Game Crafter.
Quest: Awakening of Melior is a single-player card-and-dice adventure game that uses Yahtzee-style dice rolling as you attempt to overcome various encounters with one of four unique characters until you can find a quest, complete it, and win the game.
Quest: Awakening of Melior is available for $25. Email silent7sevengames at gmail dot com.
Rüniverse Trading Card Game
In Rüniverse (‘roo-nə-ˌvərs), you’ll recruit powerful mages to protect magical rifts that open. They’ll summon creatures, cast spells, and wield relics to help in this endeavor, all while attacking the opponent’s mages, who are trying to protect rifts of their own.
Each player brings a deck of 30 cards, including 12 mages and 18 cards in a combination of creatures, relics, and spells. Each player also has a Dream deck of at least 10 cards. Draw an opening hand of seven cards, and randomly choose a first player.

At the start of each of your first three turns, “open a rift” by placing two cards (called “bonds”) from the top of your main deck face down at one of your three “locations.” You can play a mage to your location, and the mage can be tasked to generate power, which is used to evoke creatures, relics, and spells to that location.
Attack your opponent’s mages directly to break their bonds—and once you’ve broken them all, you’ll win the game. But players can defend their mages by setting guards, or they can guard with their mages to protect their precious attackers! And broken bonds are cards that are added to your hand, so the option of guarding with a mage adds even further strategy.

Each Starter Set includes a Quick-Start Rules sheet with more information. That document and the Rüniverse Rules Reference (15+ pages in an easy-to-read glossary format, to answer all your questions!) are available as free downloads.
You can view all the currently discovered cards in the Rüncyclopedia. As community members open more packs and discover more cards, they’ll be added to the gallery. And you can earn reward points for discovering cards, too, which can be exchanged for cool promo cards! More information on discovery rewards is coming soon.
Deluxe 8 Starter
The Deluxe 8 Starter Set includes all the mages, starter Dream decks, and Booster Decks needed to build a deck for each of eight facets of the Rüniverse. It also includes a sturdy storage box, 15 dividers, Star Variant mages, and more.
Available now for $59.99 on The Game Crafter.

2-Player Starter Sets
Each 2-Player Starter Set includes all the mages, starter Dream decks, and Booster Decks, and tokens needed for two players to battle using the indicated facets. Available now for $19.99 each on The Game Crafter.
Booster Deck Packs
Each Booster Deck pack includes 18 randomized cards in a mix of the main facet and the two adjacent facets. There are 9 commons, 6 uncommons, and 3 rares, with a chance for Star Variant versions of cards. Shuffle the contents of a Booster Deck with the 12 mages in the matching 2-Player Starter Set to form a new starter deck. Available now for $4.99 each on The Game Crafter.
Wild Power

Draft units, roll dice, & plan your actions carefully to win. In Wild Power, you and your opponent draft Units while building up your hand with their signature Powers. Make the best use of your Action Dice each turn in order to fire off useful Powers and recruit synergistic Units.
Powers must be channeled by your Units, so choose the right one for the job, and then resolve it using Wild Power’s unique combat-resolution mechanism: Roll one of six polyhedral dice depending on the Unit’s stat and the Power’s type—the bigger the die, the higher the potential!
Defeat four enemy Units to win the game!
Quest: Awakening of Melior

Choose your Character, and endure the Event deck as you face the Encounters of Glowmount, Meltwood, and the Shadow Caves and overcome them with your skills of Combat, Survival, and Intellect. Find a Quest, complete it, and win the game!
Each turn, draw an Event card that will modify the current Encounter or the game going forward, and then enter an Encounter card to face it. Roll five six-sided dice, lock the results into beneficial combos and enemy combos, and then reroll unlocked dice as much as you like—risking the enemy combos the whole time.
Quest: Awakening of Melior is a single-player expandable card game in which you play as one of a few characters who has been changed by the strange, new magic of Melior. For as long as anyone remembers, Melior has been a mundane, magicless medieval world, but crystals have been falling from the sky, and a year ago, a pale moon appeared, alighting the crystals and the world with rippling magical energy.
Face encounters in the Meltwood Forest—once a normal patch of woods now reshaped by a melting rain that fused animals, plants, people, and everything it dripped on—Glowmount—a massive crystal that fell from the sky and was carved into a castle by dwarves and then taken over by humans, now glowing with the new magic and twisting its denizens into crazy, crystalline beings—and the Shadow Caves—a sinewy series of passages shaped by memory and imagination, dark with the fears of the world but strangely accommodating and cathartic.
For purchase information, contact silent7sevengames at gmail dot com.